Service Charge Policy
All refunds issued which are not results of a Park District cancellation will be assessed a service charge. The service charge for programs with fees of $10 or more will be $5; programs with fees less than $10 will be charged 50% of the program fee.
Behavior Policy
Appropriate behavior is expected from all participants and observers in programs and in facilities to protect the enjoyment and safety of all patrons. Behaviors that will not be accepted include, but are not limited to, the following:
• Endangering the health and safety of other participants, patrons or staff.
• Disrupting a program or creating a disturbance at a facility.
• Continuous refusal to follow program and/or facility rules and guidelines.
• Use of verbal harassment, profanity, vulgarity, obscenity or racial slurs.
• Blatant disrespect of staff and program or facility rules and guidelines.
• Damage, vandalism, or theft of private or Park District facilities, equipment or supplies.
• Possession or use of illegal substances or medication, including the use of alcohol or smoking where prohibited.
• Inappropriate or offensive dress, including, but not limited to dress which is too revealing and clothing which displays obscene or offensive words or pictures.
• Possession or threat of a weapon.
• Gang activity including display or possession of symbols, hand signals, soliciting membership, intimidating or threatening any individual, wearing or displaying colors or items of dress, etc.
• Inappropriate display or affection, including but not limited to prolonged kissing and touching or any private area of the body.
Membership or program fees will not be refunded for any person removed from a program or facility due to violation of this behavior policy. Some programs or facilities may have stricter or more detailed behavior policies.
ADA Statement
The Worth Park District does comply with the Americans with Disabilities Act (ADA), which prohibits discrimination in the provision of programs, services or activities to individuals with disabilities. All Worth, IL residents with special needs are encouraged to take advantage of the programs, special events and trips offered by SWSRA (South West Special Recreation Association.) They are committed to meeting the unique needs of individuals with special needs. If inclusion assistance is needed within a Worth Park District program, please make sure to identify such needs at the time of registration.