Get Fit with Liz!
These fun fitness classes are instructed by Liz Wozek
20/20/20 Tabata-Glutes & Abs- AMRAP
If you are interested in checking all the boxes with your workout, this class is for you! The hour is jam packed with energy and sweat! There will be three 20-minute segments each focusing on a new and exciting format! In Tabata, we will work in high intensity intervals consisting of 20 seconds of work followed by 10 seconds of rest for 4 minute circuits. Tabata is quick, motivating and a calorie blaster! Glutes and Abs come next where we will sculpt and build your booty and core like never before! We will typically use glute bands for added resistance and results. Lastly, AMRAP stands for As Many Rounds (or reps) as Possible. A popular format! The moves and structure of this format are always exciting as you will challenge your body to get through a circuit as many times as possible in the allotted time!
Age: 12+ (under 18 needs to be accompanied by an adult)
Instructor: Liz Wozek
Location: Terrace Centre
Code: Day: Date: Time: Fee:
5614-01 Thu 1/2-2/6 6:30-7:30pm $60
5614-02 Thu 2/13-3/20 6:30-7:30pm $60
5614-03 Thu 3/27-4/24 6:30-7:30pm $50
Come build and work your body in this series of Bootcamp! During this hour-long enthusiastic class, we will increase your fitness level through station-based training utilizing a variety of equipment such as dumbbells, kettlebells, slam balls, resistance bands, jump ropes and more! Come join us for this heart pounding workout!
Age: 12+ (under 18 needs to be accompanied by an adult)
Instructor: Liz Wozek
Location: Terrace Centre
Code: Day: Date: Time: Fee:
5614-04 Sat 1/4-2/8 10-11am $60
5614-05 Sat 2/15-3/22 10-11am $60
5614-06 Sat 3/29-4/26 10-11am $40
*Please note: No class 4/12